Own Your Conversation Guide

Anxious about discussing menopause? This guide will help you manage a menopause conversation with your healthcare provider, demystify the process & provide tips for the conversation.
Menopause Management Diary

Track your menopause symptoms, monitor progress & identify trends. Share your Menopause Diary with a trusted healthcare practitioner to help them better understand your journey.
Research & Resources
JeanHailes.org.au A national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women's health through every life stage.
HealthDirect.gov.au A government-funded service providing detailed health information, advice and referrals.
Mamamia.com.au The Very Peri resource centre is a hub of knowledge for women experiencing perimenopause.
Health.Harvard.edu An overview of the 'Rocky Road to Menopause' from Harvard Medical School.
NSW.gov.au New South Wales government-funded perimenopause and menopause toolkit.
Betterhealth.vic.gov.au Victorian government-funded menopause website & resources.
QLD.gov.au Queensland government-funded menopause website & resources.
SAhealth.sa.gov.au South Australian government-funded menopause website & resources.
Kemh.health.wa.gov.au Government of Western Australlian funded Perimenopause and menopause resource.
More on Menopause
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